搞懂 Do, Make 和 Have的差别 | 中國報 China Press
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  • 搞懂 Do, Make 和 Have的差别

    英文的动词最麻烦的点在于动词还有所谓的速度感、时间感。怎么抓到这种感觉?先体会下面的例子:做晩餐是「make dinner」,做简报是「make a presentation」,做决定是「make a decision」,那做恶梦是什么?凭直觉可能会说错:

    (X) I made a bad dream.
    (O) I had a bad dream.


    (X) I will have to do a presentation next week.
    (O) I will have to make a presentation next week.


    Do 和 Make 的差别

    Do >> 着重过程 (process), 时间长
    1. He is doing some thinking (他在思考)
    2. He does the cooking at home (他在家煮饭)

    Make >> 讲究结果 (product), 时间短
    1. He has made a decision (他已经做了决定)
    2. He made dinner (他做了晚餐)


    do the housework 做家事
    do my homework 做功课
    do business 做生意
    do exercise 做运动
    do the laundry 洗衣服

    do work 做工作
    I need to do some work tonight.(我今晚得做一些工作)

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    do the cooking 煮饭
    I need to do (wash) the dishes before I do the cooking.(我煮饭之前得先洗碗。)

    do one’s homework 做功课
    Make sure you do your homework before going out.(你得做完功课才能出去。)

    do…a favour 帮一个忙
    Could you do me a favour and pass this message on? (你可以帮忙我传达这个讯息吗?)


    make coffee 煮咖啡
    make a promise 做承诺
    make enemies 树敌
    make a difference 改变、有影响
    make it a rule 养成习惯


    make a call 打电话
    I’m just going to make a quick call.(我正要去打通电话)

    make an appointment 安排约会
    Can I make an appointment for next Tuesday?(我可以预约下礼拜二吗?)

    make a mistake 犯错
    If you make a mistake, let me know.(如果你犯了错,让我知道)

    make sure 确保
    But make sure you don’t make any mistakes in the first place!(但确保你一开始别犯任何错误。)

    make a decision 决定
    You need to make a decision by the end of the week.(这礼拜之前你得做个决定。)

    Make 和 Have 的差别 

    make这个字在解释为「做」的时候,时间较为短暂,表示一下子就完成的事情,做的事情也是属于比较具体的事。 Have则是时间长。

    Make >> 时间短
    1. make a copy (复印)
    2. make the bed (铺床)
    3. make a call (打电话)
    4. make a lasting impression (留下深刻印象)

    Have >> 时间长
    1. have a dream (做梦)
    2. have a long conversation (谈了很久)
    3. have a meeting (开会)
    4. have a birthday party (庆生)


    have a bath 洗个澡
    have a drink 喝个饮料
    have a good time 玩得开心
    have a haircut 剪头发
    have a holiday 放假
    have a problem 遇到问题
    have a relationship 与…有关
    have a rest 休息
    have lunch 吃午餐
    have sympathy 同情



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